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  • Contest Holder

    I'm Panzer, a local caffeine addict, hopeless musician, and leisure author. My current goal as an author is to explore and create a book around every genre; I hope to find a genre I can execute well and pair with my writing style. Unfortunately, If there's one thing I can adamantly say I specialize in, it's procrastination.

    I admit I'm not consistent in publishing, and that's if I don't scrap my current book idea and start yet another fruitless story bound to meet the same fate.

    Other than that, for those who've taken an interest in what I have to offer, I thank you for bearing with me. Especially to those whom I befriended, I don't know how you put up with me, but special thanks for being there.

    Anyway, best regards, fellow authors; may you're writing be productive.
    See more
  • Challengers
    Challengers Gedeon DemosonChallengers Raven Challengers headinthestarsChallengers Саша/Sascha/sashaChallengers Poltergeist
  • Time Remaining
    Submission Closed
Penana Planet Country Additions

We need additional countries to add to the world of Penana Planet to liven it up a bit. 

You're free to shape your country how you like it, but please include some basic details such as:

  • - Flag

  • - Inhabitants

  • - Terrain/Climate

  • - Government 

  • - Economy

  • - Language 

  • - Education 

You're allowed to add any additional information if you so please. The top 3 winners will have their country added to Penana Planet. 

Other than that, have fun!

We need additional countries to add to the world of Penana Planet to liven it up a bit. 

You're free to shape your country how you like it, but please include some basic details such as:

  • - Flag

  • - Inhabitants

  • - Terrain/Climate

  • - Government 

  • - Economy

  • - Language 

  • - Education 

You're allowed to add any additional information if you so please. The top 3 winners will have their country added to Penana Planet. 

Other than that, have fun!